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How can we be sure we will like it?Nothing is guaranteed but we would be surprised if you don’t have fun.
Can I pay in cash?Not at this moment, all bookings must be made in advance online.
So what is this soccer business about?Round ball, goal posts (maybe jumpers if you don’t have those) and players. Soccer is one of the fastest growing sports in the US and enjoyed by millions around the world. USA men’s team played in the first ever World Cup in 1930 however the women’s team is the only one to win the World Cup. Three times!!
Are there toilets?Yes there are bathrooms in the building at The Post. Outdoors each of the parks has a restroom available
Do I know the coaches?Quite possibly! Our coaches have been coaching for years in the local area and regularly for WSC so the chances are you might have seen them around.
Are there changing rooms?There are no designated changing rooms at any location
I see some of the kids with WSC shirts, are they compulsory and how do I get one of those?They aren’t compulsory, however if you want one they are available for $15ea. BUY NOW
However we want them to be the next Messi / Carli LloydDoesn’t everyone? We can start the journey! They will learn the fundamentals in our classes and have fun. Who knows further down the line we may look to add in more advanced classes but right now we just want the kids to enjoy the game. The key is practice and practice!
Ok I’m convinced, how do I book onto a term?Hit the classes tab and find the class you want to take. BOOK NOW
I’ve also heard something about coffee? It’s a bit early for me and I need a caffeine fix.That’s true! There are a number of options close to each location which we would be happy to recommend. Grab one before you arrive or whilst the kids play.
Are the coaches nice?Absolutely!
Hydration is important, do you have regular drinks breaks?We certainly do so make sure you bring a bottle
Oh nearly forgot, do you have parkingThere is street parking around each location
I don’t have any fancy soccer gear, is that ok?No problem at all. You just need some comfortable gear and sneakers to play.
Oh and we also have a pooch that comes everywhere with usDoesn’t everyone. As long as they are well behaved, bring them along. Although they can’t go on the field and play as much as they would like to it’s side of field only.
Are you indoors?The Post is indoors all other venues are outdoors
Great, however I have a sibling that will be with us and they are to young/old for the class or not interested in soccer.No problem at all. There are chairs at the side of the field at The Post BK where they can sit and watch or do other activities. When playing outdoors they can take a seat by the side of the field.
I’m feeling impulsive, can I come down and check it out?Unfortunately you can't just show up for a class but you can book a drop in class online, subject to availability.
It’s really annoying when courses keep changing the coaching staff. Do you keep the same staff each week?We agree and keep the same staff each week. There are occasions where we might have to have a sub but those are very rare. We recognize the importance of consistency.
Ok that sounds good but my child has never kicked a ball before.That’s no problem at all our classes cater for beginner to intermediate players
But what if I forget my water?It happens more than you think, but unfortunately at the moment the water fountains are on hold for safety reasons.
Will I have to participate?Yes if your coming to a Mini Kicks or 2 year old class, however you are off the hook for the 3yr, 4&5yr and 6-8yr classes
I see you play in Brooklyn but where?We play at a number of indoor and outdoor locations in Williamsburg, Greenpoint, East Williamsburg and Bushwick.
Tell me more about the soccer classes in East WilliamsburgWe play at Ten Eyck Playground, convenietly located off the Montrose L train
Tell me more about the soccer classes in GreenpointWe play indoors at The Post BK and at Outdoors at Newtown Barge Park
Tell me more about the soccer classes in WilliamsburgWe play at Mccarren Park, Bushwick Inlet Park, Sternberg Park and William Sheridan Playground in Williamsburg.
Tell me more about the soccer classes in BushwickThis is our newest location and classes will take place at PS377
Are we required to purchase a t-shirt or sweater?No, that is optional
If I don't come due to bad weather do I get a refund or makeup class?Unfortunatly we can't offer this. The classes will go ahead rain or shine.
Will I get a confirmation email?Yes, you will get one right after you enroll and then two more before classes start.
What type of gear is required for classes?- Comfortable clothing - Sneakers - Waterproof jacket if it's raining - No cleats - Shinguards optional - Full kits welcome!
What class/location have I enrolled in?Please check the confirmation email/receipt as the class title will give you all the information.
What day does the season start & end?Please check your order confirmation email or the confirmation email from us for the start and end dates for the term.
Can I change class after I've already enrolled?Yes, subject to availability we will work with you to make this happen
Are classes cancelled today due to weather?Likley not, we play rain or shine unless there is an electrical storm we will run the classes as scheduled. In the event we do have to cancel the classes we will make a call on the day and notify you as early as we can but no later than 1 hour before class starts.
How do I pick up my t-shirt?We will bring this along to the first class of the term
Will / can you mail my t-shirt to me?We don't mail the shirts out, it will be availabe to pick up at your next class
What do we need to bring for our first day?- Receipt of completed waiver - Water bottle - Wear comfortable clothing
What constitutes a weather cancellation?With the classes being outdoors we will be subject to changing weather conditions. We aim to run the classes rain or shine, however there will be occasions where it is just not possible to run the classes safely. In the event of torrential rain, a polar vortex (or similar) we will likely cancel the class. If this happens we will email all participants and also update the 'Weather' page on the website 1-2 hours before the due start time. For classes that are cancelled by Williamsburg Soccer Club we will offer a make up class (subject to availability) or a credit towards the next term. If you choose not to attend one of the classes that we deem fit to run, there will be no refund or credit given. Williamsburg Soccer Club also reserve the right to cancel classes due to adverse weather conditions at any point in time, including while class is in progress as the safety of the participants and staff are our number 1 priority.
I missed a class, can I do a make up?Unfortunatley we aren't able to offer make up classes.
What will my child learn?2&3yr class Start to develop a range of kicking Slow directional dribbling and control Enjoy scoring goals 4&5yr class Develop good directional kicking and strong striking Control and trap moving balls Develop directional dribbling under control
How long is the course10-12 weeks depending on the season
Do you play competitive matches with other clubs?No we don't through the class program but our travel teams do play against other clubs
Do the coaches follow a program or do they just wing it?They follow a program of course. Each week will focus on different areas of the game developing skills and ability. Including; shooting, dribbling, defending, ball control and passing with the emphasis on having fun whilst learning.
Do you have a break between terms?No
How long are the classes?2yrs 35 mins (24-36 months) 3yrs 35 mins (36-48 months) 4&5yrs 40 mins 6-8yrs 45 mins 8-10yrs - 45 mins
You don’t have a class for the age group I want, what’s going on?Sorry, if you don’t see your age group it just means we haven’t had enough interest to put it on. However we will happily add it to the schedule if we can get a group together. If you are well connected and want to be the ambassador, get in touch and we will work out a deal for you.
Why don’t you have classes at my school or in my neighborhood?Unfortunately we don’t know all the fields and facilities however if you know a good spot let us know and we will be sure to check it out. There may also be a finders reward in it for you.
Do you run private classes?Yes, we have options for 1-4 players
Ok I’ll get my winter gear and snow boots on and come down, however what am I going to do with it all whilst we play?At The Post, there are some chairs for you to put your gear down whilst playing.
Now it’s cold will classes still be on?This weather is so unpredictable... yes classes are still on. You can also check the status of play due to weather on the weather tab on our website.
It’s hot will classes still be on?Yes, unless there is a health advisory
I came for a drop in and love it! We want to sign up for the rest of the termSounds good, we can pro rata the term rate taking into account the fees paid for the drop in class
My son/daughter is ill and we can’t make class this week. Do I get a refund if I cancel or can’t make it one week?Sorry to hear that but unfortunately not.
Outdoor Terms & ConditionsWeather - With the classes being outdoors we will be subject to changing weather conditions. We aim to run the classes rain or shine, however there will be occasions where it is just not possible to run the classes safely. In the event of torrential rain, a polar vortex (or similar) we will likely cancel the class. If this happens we will email all participants and also update the 'Weather' page on the website 1-2 hours before the due start time. For classes that are cancelled by Williamsburg Soccer Club we will offer a make up class (subject to availability) or a credit towards the next term. If you choose not to attend one of the classes that we deem fit to run, there will be no refund or credit given. Williamsburg Soccer Club also reserve the right to cancel classes due to adverse weather conditions at any point in time, including while class is in progress as the safety of the participants and staff are our number 1 priority. Clothing/water - Wear weather appropriate clothing for the outdoor classes and bring a bottle of water. There are water fountains at BIP, however should they not be working it's best to be prepared. Sunscreen - we will have sunscreen availbale for use, however this must be applied by the parents/carers/guardians before the class starts as we are unaware of any potential allergies. Toilet breaks - There are public toilets at BIP available for use, however they are at the other end of the field so make sure you use them on the way to class. If a toilet break is needed mid class, the parent/carer/guardian will be responsible for taking the player. Parent attendance required (not drop off) - Please note the outdoor classes are not drop off classes. Parents/carers/guardians will be required to stay for the duration of the class.
When doing things like this we always have to fill in some boring paperwork, do you have some too?Yes we do, but it’s quick and pain free click here to complete
Player and Coach SafetyThis is our number 1 priority as we start to play again, therefore we are introducing a number of safety measures to keep everyone safe when getting back to playing. - Limiting one parent/guardian per soccer player to attend class - All coaches and staff will be required to wear PPE (face masks) - Parents will be required to wear a face mask at all time - Our Parent Zone will have markers to keep everyone 6ft apart - We will not utilize bibs/pinnies during class - The players will play games that will limit contact with each other - No hands in at the end of class Players, parents and coaches to complete a health declaration before each class. This must be completed on the day of play each time you play. It's available to complete online and we will also have a QR code at each location for you to scan and complete on your phone.
We missed the start of term but have heard it’s great and want to join! Do you prorate the registration fee?Yes, the fees automatically update after each week so the price you see is correct for the prorated amount
Communicable diseasesIn the case of any shutdown caused by COVID-19 reemergence or any other pandemic, no refunds will be given. For anyone that has prepaid for classes effected by any shutdown a credit will be issued towards the next term of classes once we are given the go ahead to reopen. In the event of a shutdown for over 90 days no credit or refund will be given Credit must be used within 90 days of reopening Credit can be used towards any classes
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